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Date / Heure
Date(s) - 11 avril 2018
12 h 15 min - 14 h 00 min








Kajsa Lindberg, Elena Raviola et Lars Walter

Associate Professors of Management

University of Gothenburg


Date: Mercredi 11 avril 2018
Heure: 12h15-14h
Lieu: HEC Montréal
Salle : Marie-Husny (1er étage, section verte)

Conférence donnée en anglais

Presentation in English

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This study addresses the processes of boundary work, in relation to the introduction of new technology, unfolding during the emergence of new medical practices. Inspired by Gieryn’s fluid and practical view of boundaries and boundary work, and by Actor-Network Theory’s description of scripting processes, we study the processes of negotiating and (re-)constructing boundaries in order to reveal both the interactions between different kinds of boundary work and their situatedness in the context of the emerging practice. We conducted a longitudinal and qualitative study of a generic Hybrid Operating Room at a Swedish university hospital, where sophisticated imaging devices are combined with open surgery procedures in a single room; consequently, medical requirements regarding radiology, surgery and anesthesia, as well as the specificities of the new technology, all need to be met at the same time. The study shows how the visibility of boundaries is a result of as well as a condition for boundary work, how boundary work is a dynamic and iterative process, and how it unfolds in a recursive relationship between practice and boundaries.


Authors’ bio

Kajsa’s research projects aims to understand assemblages of institutions, material arrangements and actions, thus improving our knowledge of how materiality matters in the organizing of complex practices. Her studies are based on an action net perspective, making it possible to understand how organizations emerge and are accomplished, how norms are institutionalized and how objects and technologies are enacted and re-constructed in practice.

Elena is also an affiliated researcher at the Gothenburg Research Institute, where she is part of the Managing Overflows research program. Her research has primarily focused on the organizing of professional work, especially in relation to digitization. She has extensively studied news production in newspapers and other news organizations. Her current project is about the robotization of professional work, in particular in the news field.

Lars is interested in the organization of healthcare practices and particularly on the relation between performed actions, technology and the physical infrastructure.


Cette conférence est organisée conjointement avec la Chaire en gestion stratégique en contexte pluraliste.