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Date / Heure
Date(s) - 14 février 2019
12 h 15 min - 14 h 00 min




Une conférence de Tim Kuhn intitulée

Speculative Value: Articulating ‘The Product’ in High-Tech Startup Entrepreneurship

Tim Kuhn
Professor of Communication
University of Colorado Boulder, USA


Date: Jeudi 14 février 2019
Heure: 12h15-14h
Lieu: HEC Montréal
Salle: Sony (1er étage, section jaune)

Conférence donnée en anglais
Presentation in English
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Because entrepreneurship is increasingly touted as the solution to an array of socio-economic problems, entrepreneurs–especially those inhabiting the high-tech domain–are proclaimed to be contemporary heroes. How those heroes produce value, however, is not altogether clear. One way to approach this issue is to ask a deceptively simple question: Just what is ‘the product’ that emerges from entrepreneurial activity–and how does that attract value? In this presentation, I report on a longitudinal study of a startup accelerator in Boulder, Colorado, through which several startup firms developed. Guided by a vision of what I call ‘communicative relationality,’ I examine how disparate sociomaterial forces connect (and disconnect) in writing the trajectory of startups’ practice. The particular conjunction of forces, I argue, underwrites the individualization of possession as an overarching logic of entrepreneurial practice, which constrains the possibilities for value entrepreneurship might generate.


Author’s bio

Timothy R. Kuhn (PhD, Arizona State University) is professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA. His research addresses the constitution of authority and agency in organizational action, with particular attention to how knowledge, identities and conceptions of value emerge in sociomaterial and power-laden communication practices. Outside the University, he is an Associate Editor at the interdisciplinary journal Human Relations, a co-coordinator of the “Organization as Communication” Standing Working Group at the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), and a vice-chair of the organizational communication division of the International Communication Association. His research has been published in Academy of Management Review, The Academy of Management Annals, Organization, Organization Studies, Management Communication Quarterly, and Communication Monographs, among other outlets.


Cette conférence est organisée conjointement avec la Chaire en gestion stratégique en contexte pluraliste.