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Date / Heure
Date(s) - 20 février 2018
12 h 15 min - 14 h 00 min


Salle : Trudeau Corporation (1er étage, section verte)
Conférence donnée en anglais
Presentation in English
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Research suggests that actors often struggle to navigate between seemingly disparate temporal orientations, such as near and distant time horizons and past and future events. Whereas existing frameworks tend to be overly biased towards one temporal orientation or presenting the dimensions as dualisms, we suggest an integrative framework to explain how they may be addressed simultaneously as actors move in the flow of time. The framework attempts to explain how actors bring different temporal orientations into on-going processes of narration. On-going temporal structures form a central and enduring part of the narrating, whereas the inclusion of distant past and future events into the narrative is more ad hoc, time and context contingent. The framework is based on a view labelled « situated temporality”, which pays explicitly attention to actors’ on-going temporal enactment as they move through time. The aim of the framework is to improve our understanding of how and under what conditions actors incorporate distant events into their on-going temporal structures, what are the effects of including different combinations of past and future, and finally how organizational strategies, identities and innovation are affected. Examples are provided from studies of large organizations in different sectors (Arla Group, Carlsberg, LEGO and Ulstein).

Authors’ bio
Tor Hernes is Professor of Organization Theory and Director of the Centre for Organizational Time at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, and Adjunct Professor at University College of Southeast Norway. He has published extensively in the field of process organization studies, and has in recent years devoted increasing attention to the subject of organization and time. The main thrust of his work on time is directed towards a situated, events-based view inspired by Alfred North Whitehead’s philosophy, among others, which serves as a point of departure for better understanding how actors enact their time on an on-going basis. The focus on time construction derives from a desire to better understand how actors’ time construction may take different shapes and accommodate variations of near and distant pasts and futures. Tor has published papers in leading journals and more than a dozen books, among them A Process Theory of Organization which won the George R. Terry Book Award at the Academy of Management meeting in 2015.

Majken Schultz is Professor of Management and Organization Studies at Copenhagen Business School since 1996. She is an International Research Fellow at the Centre for Corporate Reputation at Oxford University, Saïd Business School and member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. Her work has focused on the managerial and organizational issues related to identity, culture and image, including the implications for corporate branding and the use of history. Currently she is interested in developing a temporal perspective for how organizations reconstruct their identity in the flow of time with a special focus on the interplay between short and long-term time horizons pointing both backwards and forwards in time. She has published more than 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals in organization studies and co-written/edited more than a dozen books. Her work has been translated into Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic and Danish. She is actively involved in the Danish Business Community through a variety of networks and holds positions on several company boards. See more at

Cette conférence est organisée conjointement avec la Chaire en gestion stratégique en contexte pluraliste.