The video of the Master Class on “Publishing Qualitative Research” held at HEC Montréal on June 4th 2012 and sponsored by Journal of Management Studies and the Chair is now available on line.

In part 1, Kevin Corley (Associate Editor of Academy of Management Journal) and Davide Ravasi (Professor at Bocconi University) discuss the review process for Ileana Stigliani and Davide Ravasi’s forthcoming Academy of Management Journal paper “Organizing thoughts and connecting brains: Material practices and the transition from individual to group-level prospective sensemaking.”

In part 2, Charlotte Cloutier (HEC Montréal, organizer of the Master Class with Davide Ravasi) chairs a discussion on publishing qualitative research with: Kevin Corley, Samer Faraj (McGill University, Senior editor, Organization Science); Karen Golden-Biddle (Boston University); Jennifer Howard-Grenville (University of Oregon); Ann Langley (HEC Montréal, Co-editor Strategic Organization and Senior Editor, Organization Studies), and Davide Ravasi (Associate editor, Journal of Management Studies).

If you would like to have access to the documentation associated with Part 1, contact Ileana Stigliani or Davide Ravasi.


Part 1

Part 2: