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Date / Heure
Date(s) - 11 avril 2016
12 h 15 min - 14 h 00 min

Linda 2011--recent photo

Linda Putnam
Research Professor
Department of Communication
University of California, Santa Barbara

Date: Lundi le 11 avril 2016
Heure: 12h15-14h
Salle: Saine Marketing (1er étage, section verte)

Conférence donnée en anglais

Presentation in English

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This presentation draws from the growing body of work on organizational paradoxes and contradictions.  In contrast to paradox theory (Lewis, 2000; Smith & Lewis, 2011), it sets forth a constitutive approach grounded in process, discourse, and developmental perspectives on paradox. The presentation focuses on five key dimensions of a constitutive approach (i.e., discourse, developmental actions, socio-historical conditions, multiple levels and voices, and praxis) and illustrates each of these with exemplar studies from process research on paradoxes in organizational change and development.  This talk concludes with setting forth future directions for the work on organizational paradox.